Second grade rocks!

Second grade rocks!
L'Ouverture Career Exploration and Technology Magnet Elementary

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Effective Instruction

Helping my colleagues be more effective instructors will require me to communicate my learning in different ways. I have shared tons of information with my colleagues this past year because of my interest in technology and STEM. I have found that most of my colleagues are still resistant or unsure how to effectively perform the new ways of learning into their year.

I absolutely connected with Heidi Hayes Jacobs TED Talk because of our building changing so much in the past two years. We have changed our technology, curriculum, and magnet theme; which has pushed new learning and new teaching styles. I have taken the time to embrace these new styles of teaching since our students are new learners. However there are many teachers that are stuck on the old styles of teaching and homework.

Jacobs talked about how we need to think about who we are teaching because this new generation of learners need a new type of "future schools". I think my building is up and coming as a new future school as long as we get everyone on board. Jacobs spoke about how we need to deepen the learning of students by putting them in control and letting the teachers be more of facilitators. Students are to be engaged in learning and not just told what to learn.

She mentioned students creating blogs, podcasts, and apps to demonstrate their new learning. I agree totally with this new assessment skills. This past year I had my students create their own blogs and talk with students all over the global. This type of global media encourages kids to think outside their city and imagine what they can do with their future.

One thing that I think would help my colleagues is by letting them watch and discuss Jacobs video. I would love to introduce more of my colleagues to what the technology in our building can look like in a variety of classrooms. I sometimes wonder if I am being a "secret genius" because I do not always share my new learning and teaching with colleagues; I have found that having effective instruction means that I need to share more, learn more, and discuss more with my colleagues to make us a "future school".


  1. I agree that Jacobs' video was extremely inspiring! Who wouldn't want to move to "future schools" after watching her? She has a way of making you feel like even if you have been stuck in your ways it takes small changes to have a great effect. I definitely think showing this video to your colleagues will help open up their minds.

  2. I believe collaboration can lead to effective instruction. Like you mentioned, it is important that teachers share, learn from one another, and have discussions. Have you looked into the SAMR model? I have found some classroom use of technology to be very basic and does not enhance instruction. I believe SAMR is a great model for pushing teachers to the next level of integrating technology into teaching and learning.

    Check out this video if you'd like to learn more about SAMR:

  3. I liked your opening statement about trying to reach teachers in a different way. I have had this issue many times when sharing ideas and resources. I can only get a few people to engage in conversation and try new things because everyone is so bogged down with a million things going on. It is great that your school is working on changes to be more effective. It is so hard to get everyone onboard and strong school leadership is a crucial factor in making big instructional changes.

  4. I appreciate the help Nolan. I have learned a few things about the SAMR model since our school is a 1:1 school. We have been focusing a lot this past year on SAMR and rigor with our technology. It is hard to get staff on board and I know our building needs a stronger leadership. I think there will be many changes within the next school year to help with our instructional needs.

  5. Hi Brittany, I totally agree that we must share with our co-workers. Any time someone comes across some new idea or technique to increase learning it should be shared with others. I think sometimes we feel like we may be bothering others with things they don't have time to work with. We tend to work in our classes, and then, if and when we are asked for input we will share. That needs to change if we want to increase our students' learning.
