Second grade rocks!

Second grade rocks!
L'Ouverture Career Exploration and Technology Magnet Elementary

Monday, June 15, 2015

Digital Cameras in the Classroom

Using digital cameras in the classroom is very important in my everyday classroom. Students could be video recording or taking pictures with their iPads or before iPads we video taped each other in reading centers. During reading centers students picked a book to read with their partner. Once the pair felt comfortable reading the book fluently, the students recorded them selves. Then the video could be placed on YouTube with a connecting QR code made. The QR code could then be connected to the book as a read aloud for other students to listen to during the center.

This activity would help students practice their fluency while working Ina group. Students love to record themselves and take ownership over their work. This activity will also help lower readers because then they could scan a QR code to hear a book read to them that they may not be able to read on their own.


  1. What a great idea, Brittany! My students love to listen to books on tape with partners. They would really enjoy recording themselves reading their favorite books and then sharing with the class. I think it would be fun to have them act out some of the books as they record too.

  2. I love the idea of making a QR for kids to scan and then listen to other kids reading! So awesome! I will definitely do this because they really benefit from listening to each other.
