Second grade rocks!

Second grade rocks!
L'Ouverture Career Exploration and Technology Magnet Elementary

Monday, August 24, 2015

What makes a "good" technology integration specialist?

As I am pondering what makes a good technology integration specialist (TIS), I begin thinking about what makes my school's technology coaches such good instructors. I am privileged to have two technology coaches within my building the past two years. I have seen them struggle through a 1:1 IPad program and I have seen to fire up teachers to think about technology differently. These two technology coaches are the reason why I wanted to get my masters in technology integration. The qualities that they have are some that I hope be able to incorporate into my future.

 A technology specialist needs to be approachable to all staff and teachers. If a technology specialist is approachable, they will be able to answer those questions that teachers have but are afraid to ask. Many veteran teachers have questions about new technology but do not know either how to ask or they do not want to look unknowledgeable. By having an approachable tone and body language, questions are asked that can lead to all teachers and staff learning new things.

Want to Learn:
 Wanting to learn should never end for a technology specialist especially because technology is ever growing. If technology does not stop growing, neither should the specialist. A TIS is always willing to learn more and go out of their way to educate themselves by using Twitter, Periscope, and all social media. As a TIS gets farther into their career, they need to experience new and upcoming technology and how it works in the classroom. By exploring new software and programs the TIS can then share upcoming technology before the trend hits.

 Passion for education and teaching is why people get into the profession. Passion is not only important to have as a classroom teacher but also a teacher that teaches other teachers. If a TIS is not passionate about their learning and career choice, other staff members can tell by their body language. A technology specialist needs be well rounded in their passion by learning all types of technology. It is also important that TIS have a type of technology that they love learning more and more about as well. I am interesting in integrating IPads into the classroom and how use them more productively. By having this passion I research more and share ideas with other staff members. I still learn other technology aspects and can explain other programs to others.

 All teachers are risk-takers at the beginning of their careers especially because everyday is something new. As a TIS, we need to be the constant risk-takers in the technology field. Technology specialist need to come up with amazing ideas and share them with teachers. Also TIS need to be able to come into the classroom when a teacher is nervous and take that chance for them. I know as a classroom teacher, technology can sometimes make us worried about the progress. By setting up teachers to become risk-takers in the classroom with technology, classroom teachers will then see outcomes they might never have believed would happen.

By having these qualities a technology integration specialist can help other teachers, staff, and administration become more comfortable using technology daily.