Second grade rocks!

Second grade rocks!
L'Ouverture Career Exploration and Technology Magnet Elementary

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

About Myself

I am very excited to have my own teaching blog! I have been meaning to stop being a "secret genius" about all the amazing and techy things I love doing with my second graders. Before I begin my blogging experience, I will tell you a little about myself.

I teacher second grade in Wichita, Ks. I have been teaching for two years and love that I can integrate technology into everyday! I teach at a career exploration and technology magnet. We currently have 1:1 Ipads and get to integrate technology, STEM, and careers daily.

I am from Lafayette, Indiana; where I received my bachelors in Elementary Education. I have been married for 3 years and have a gorgeous dog. I moved to Wichita because my husband grew up here and because there are so many more possibilities in Wichita than there was in Indiana through education. I cannot wait to share my experiences through my blog and share with you my love of STEM and technology.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter- @BrittKUFan or my classroom- @2ndHorning